Step 1: Qualification Check
DingGo’s first step is to check repairers have the required licences and qualifications. The required certification varies from state to state. For example, in NSW, panel beaters must be certified by the Motor Vehicle Repair Industry Authority (MVRIA).
We review their Motor Vehicle Repairers Licence number (MVRL), which will include a list of any previous claims or conditions put against their licence, their recognised industry qualifications, their registered place of business and their ABN. We include the repairer’s MVRL in their panel beater profile page, which you can see here.
In addition to the mandatory repairers licence, we ask if any of our repairers staff have NSW Fair Trading Qualifications such as Motor Vehicle Tradesperson Certificates (MVTCs).
Step 2: Reputation and Reviews Check
Panel beaters and smash repairers with good reputations have built these up over time through hard work, high-quality service and treating their customers well. We check their reputation by looking at existing customer reviews and also checking with other professionals we trust within our network or in the industry. We also check if the repairers have won any industry awards for service excellence. These are offered by reputable industry bodies like Paint and Panel magazine which runs the Paint and Panel Bodyshop Awards. You can see if a panel beater near you has won an award here. Lastly there are industry bodies that issue certifications like the internationally recognised I-Car Training program or state based body’s with membership standards like the Motor Trades Association in NSW. Pictured below is the badge repairers on DingGo get if they have a 4.5 star customer rating or higher.
Step 3: Warranties and Guarantees Check
All repairers in the DingGo network are required to offer some form of warranty or guarantee on their repair work. Fixed workshop auto repairers have a lot more equipment to provide a more comprehensive repair than mobile repairers. As such they often provide better warranties or guarantees on their repairs. It’s important our repairers offer warranties as this is a sign that the business is keen to back its quality of work and protect its reputation. Our best repairers offer a lifetime warranty or guarantee on their repairs, whilst others offer a number of years warranty instead. All of our quotes require our panel beaters to include their respective warranties offered.
Pictured below is the badge repairers on DingGo get if they offer lifetime warranties for their repairs.
Step 4: Personal Interview
Every single panel beater, smash repairer, auto repair workshop, paintless dent removal specialist and mobile repairer is interviewed by DingGo either in person or over the phone. We know every repairer by name. This is one of the most important parts of our review and verification process. We investigate their capabilities and service offerings and also get to know the owners and how they treat their customers and staff. We want to ensure every DingGo customer has a safe, quality, trustworthy and reliable service experience, so we need to ensure our panel beaters can uphold that. We always ensure they are approachable and friendly so customers feel comfortable working with them, in particular women, or people who may have been treated unfairly or had poor experiences in the past.
Step 5: Test Job Quality Check
Once they have passed all our initial verification steps we then sign them up to the network and give them their first job. This is an important quality assurance test, and we monitor these jobs closely to ensure the customer is happy and they have a high-quality repair experience.
Step 6: They are verified!
With their first test job a success, repairers are officially verified and now part of the DingGo trusted repairer network. We now let customer reviews regulate our repair standards ensuring they complete jobs to a high customer rating standard. Those who are rated poorly will be taken off the network.
Pictured below is the badge repairers on DingGo get if they have been verified by DingGo and therefore made it into our trusted network of repairers.
Let DingGo make choosing a repairer quick and easy
Choosing a panel beater you can trust can be hard. If you don’t know someone who has used a good one, it can be a time consuming and stressful process. The easiest option is to use DingGo. We hand pick and verify all auto repairers on our trusted network. Using DingGo will also make it easier for you to get your car repaired too. You just have to upload 3 photos of your damaged car and give a brief description of the damage you want repaired - it takes 3 minutes tops! With that we will send it out to our network of trusted workshops and mobile panel beaters local to you. You’ll receive 3 quotes back in less than 48 hours and can choose the right repairer, time and price for you. Want to find out how much your repair will cost? Try our online quick quote. process.
DingGo’s first step is to check repairers have the required licences and qualifications. The required certification varies from state to state. For example, in NSW, panel beaters must be certified by the Motor Vehicle Repair Industry Authority (MVRIA).
We review their Motor Vehicle Repairers Licence number (MVRL), which will include a list of any previous claims or conditions put against their licence, their recognised industry qualifications, their registered place of business and their ABN. We include the repairer’s MVRL in their panel beater profile page, which you can see here.
In addition to the mandatory repairers licence, we ask if any of our repairers staff have NSW Fair Trading Qualifications such as Motor Vehicle Tradesperson Certificates (MVTCs).
Step 2: Reputation and Reviews Check
Panel beaters and smash repairers with good reputations have built these up over time through hard work, high-quality service and treating their customers well. We check their reputation by looking at existing customer reviews and also checking with other professionals we trust within our network or in the industry. We also check if the repairers have won any industry awards for service excellence. These are offered by reputable industry bodies like Paint and Panel magazine which runs the Paint and Panel Bodyshop Awards. You can see if a panel beater near you has won an award here. Lastly there are industry bodies that issue certifications like the internationally recognised I-Car Training program or state based body’s with membership standards like the Motor Trades Association in NSW. Pictured below is the badge repairers on DingGo get if they have a 4.5 star customer rating or higher.

Step 3: Warranties and Guarantees Check
All repairers in the DingGo network are required to offer some form of warranty or guarantee on their repair work. Fixed workshop auto repairers have a lot more equipment to provide a more comprehensive repair than mobile repairers. As such they often provide better warranties or guarantees on their repairs. It’s important our repairers offer warranties as this is a sign that the business is keen to back its quality of work and protect its reputation. Our best repairers offer a lifetime warranty or guarantee on their repairs, whilst others offer a number of years warranty instead. All of our quotes require our panel beaters to include their respective warranties offered.
Pictured below is the badge repairers on DingGo get if they offer lifetime warranties for their repairs.

Step 4: Personal Interview
Every single panel beater, smash repairer, auto repair workshop, paintless dent removal specialist and mobile repairer is interviewed by DingGo either in person or over the phone. We know every repairer by name. This is one of the most important parts of our review and verification process. We investigate their capabilities and service offerings and also get to know the owners and how they treat their customers and staff. We want to ensure every DingGo customer has a safe, quality, trustworthy and reliable service experience, so we need to ensure our panel beaters can uphold that. We always ensure they are approachable and friendly so customers feel comfortable working with them, in particular women, or people who may have been treated unfairly or had poor experiences in the past.

Step 5: Test Job Quality Check
Once they have passed all our initial verification steps we then sign them up to the network and give them their first job. This is an important quality assurance test, and we monitor these jobs closely to ensure the customer is happy and they have a high-quality repair experience.

Step 6: They are verified!
With their first test job a success, repairers are officially verified and now part of the DingGo trusted repairer network. We now let customer reviews regulate our repair standards ensuring they complete jobs to a high customer rating standard. Those who are rated poorly will be taken off the network.
Pictured below is the badge repairers on DingGo get if they have been verified by DingGo and therefore made it into our trusted network of repairers.

Let DingGo make choosing a repairer quick and easy
Choosing a panel beater you can trust can be hard. If you don’t know someone who has used a good one, it can be a time consuming and stressful process. The easiest option is to use DingGo. We hand pick and verify all auto repairers on our trusted network. Using DingGo will also make it easier for you to get your car repaired too. You just have to upload 3 photos of your damaged car and give a brief description of the damage you want repaired - it takes 3 minutes tops! With that we will send it out to our network of trusted workshops and mobile panel beaters local to you. You’ll receive 3 quotes back in less than 48 hours and can choose the right repairer, time and price for you. Want to find out how much your repair will cost? Try our online quick quote. process.